When 12th & 13th June 2010
Where The Quadrangle Farm, middle of nowhere, Kent
What I would like (circle + cross out as appropriate):
good work | children | a spouse | the countryside |
the city | a life that contributes to climate change | a
nice laptop | grow my own | milk my own | butcher
my own | skype | wood fires | people around | com-
post toilets | flush toilets | to be busy all the time |
big debts | ommm | sweatlodge in winter + roll naked
in snow | to be a hippy | no fucking hippies | live just
like my parents | live like they did 500 years ago | the
best of the past + the best of the future | live next to a
motorway / on an island / in a hammock | wake up to
birdsong and the smell of baking bread
Other: …………………
How Arrive 4-5pm. settle in, eat, talk. Hear what people
are doing, tell what you’re doing, or what you want to
do. Play by the fire. Sleep. Wake gently, good breakfast.
Go for a walk in beautiful Kent countryside, have a
pub lunch. Catch the train home, the end, for now.
How much £10 deposit at We Got Tickets (advance booking essential)
+ £15 cash upon arrival, so £25 in total for the whole event.
Any further donations to support Limina’s work gratefully appreciated.
Real beds for the first 16 to book, then camping.
Full location and necessary info provided upon receipt of deposit.
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